This metering pump filling machine is specially made for all materials, such as water, gel, shampoo, oil olive oil, motor oil etc. The machine adopts piston pump and for filling. By adjusting the position pump, it can fill many kinds of the bottles in one filling machine, with quick speed and high precision.
The machine can fill different shapes of bottle such as circular, round, flat, square, etc. It is suitable for glass bottle and plastic bottle. The filling capacity can be adjustable, the filling volume can be varied from 500-2500 ml by adjusting the piston pump.
An optional diving nozzle mechanism plunges the filling nozzles into the container for increased production speeds without splashing, and we can produce the different filing nozzles for your different speed requirement. Filling volumes are programmable and can be adjusted from the touch screen.
Uporablja se za različne oblike steklenic in plastične steklenice: plastične, stekleničke in steklenice. Obložene in plastenke imajo specializirano strukturo. Ne spusti steklenic ali steklenic.
Suitable filling material.This machine adopts piston pump, which is suitable for all kind materials, with high filling speed and high filling precision.For filling corrosive, the position pump will be made by silicon rubber, Teflon, ceramics and other corrosion resistance materials.
Sistem krmiljenja. Naprava ima popoln samodejni PLC in nadzorni sistem z zaslonom na dotik človek-računalnik. Za različne nastavitve prostornine nastavimo več postopkov, način 1, način 2, način 3``` Operaterji ne potrebujejo preveč zapletenih prilagoditev, polnilni stroj lahko enostavno preklaplja med tremi modeli.
Različna nastavitev prostornine. Če prilagodite batno črpalko, lahko tudi napolnite vso tekočino od 500-2500ml.
Bottle position correct device.To ensure the bottles and filling nozzles are in the correct position, we add a special bottles position device to make the whole filling process smooth and stable. No bottle no filling.
Polnilne šobe. Polnilne šobe so specializirane: proti kapljanju. Prav tako bodo šobe za polnjenje prišle na dno steklenice in se počasi premikajo navzgor pri polnjenju. Čiščenje. Črpalka uporablja hitro prilegajočo se strukturo. Je enostavno čiščenje in razkuževanje.
Visok izkoristek pritrditve pokrovčkov
Obstojnost vrtljive plošče, zamenjajte preprosto in priročno.
Steklenica, ki prihaja in odhaja, je enostavna, frekvenčna pretvorba prilagodi hitrost.
Delujte enostavno. Je enostavno vzdrževanje.
Povezovalno delo, proizvodnja avtomatizma,
Prihranite čas, izboljšajte učinkovitost.
Celoten stroj je zasnovan tako, da ustreza standardom GMP.
Naše prednosti
Strankam v roku enega leta brezplačno zagotovimo vse komponente.
Nudimo dolgo življenjsko vzdrževanje, na voljo je tehnična podpora. Ponujamo video posnetke namestitve in odpravljanja napak.
Our machine is easy for installation. We will take pictures of the disconnect parts of machines, you can install the machines according to pictures. We attach marks on the machines that need to connect, you caninstall the machines by yourselves. It is cost saving for you.
Rezervni deli so izbirni glede na potrebe strank.
The handle of the machine can be freely and conveniently turned to adjust so that various types of bottles can be used.